
Glasgow’s Hospice achieves exceptional standards


Glasgow’s Hospice achieves exceptional standards

Glasgow’s Hospice has been recognised as providing exceptional standards of care in a new Healthcare Improvement Scotland report.

The very highest levels of patients’ experience of care at The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow have been commended in a new report by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).

People’s experience of care and the involvement of carers and families, as well as the leadership of improvement and change at the hospice in Bellahouston Park, all received the very highest ‘exceptional’ accolades following a two-day announced inspection in May this year.

The hospice was awarded two grades of ‘exceptional and one grade of ‘good’ by the industry regulator.

“During the inspection, we observed staff and volunteers engaging with service users in a respectful and friendly manner,” said the HIS report, issued today. “We spoke with two service users in the Living Well Hub and a family member who also used the services of the Hub. They all told us they were treated with dignity and respect and felt well supported. All were happy with the service.

The report included service user comments:

  • ‘I feel listened to.’
  • ‘It’s a home from home.’

It added: “We saw many examples of improvements made as a result of input and feedback from service users. Service users and relatives were very positive about the standard of care and treatment.”

The hospice, which has 16 inpatient beds and cares for more than 1200 patients and families every year at home, in the Living Well Hub as outpatients and on the wards, received a ‘good grade for ‘safe delivery of care’ with a recommendation to implement a more rigorous process for checking the condition of mattresses.

The inspection looked at the work of medical staff, nursing and domestic staff as well as speaking to service users and relatives.

Rhona Baillie, Chief Executive of The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, said: “This latest HIS report acknowledges the gold standard of care we provide to patients and families every day in the hospice.

“Glasgow’s Hospice provides high-quality clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual care for patients who have a progressive life-threatening illness and support for those who care for them.

“I am delighted that HIS has recognised the exceptional standards of care our dedicated and compassionate staff and volunteers provide to our patients and their families. However, we are never complacent and will continue to strive to improve our services into the future.”

The inspection reports can be found on Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s website here