
Excellent standards of care at Glasgow’s Hospice recognised in new Healthcare Improvement Scotland report


Excellent standards of care at Glasgow’s Hospice recognised in new Healthcare Improvement Scotland report

The very highest levels of patient care at The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow have been commended in a new report by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).

Consent to care and treatment, confidentiality, as well as the quality of staffing, management and leadership at the hospice in Carlton Place in the city centre, all received the very highest “excellent” accolades after an unannounced inspection last month.

In total, the hospice was awarded three grades of six or “excellent” and two grades of five or “very good”. The highest grade is six.

“The hospice’s staff respected each other, their patients and carers,” said the HIS report, issued today. “They worked well as a team and felt managers and the senior management team supported them. This helped promote a positive culture in the hospice.”

It added: “The service had excellent systems in place to help make sure patients and carers were aware of the hospice’s consent and confidentiality policies. Staff explained treatments and procedures and sought verbal or written consent before treatment where necessary.

“Patients and carers were also aware of how the service managed confidentiality and when it would be necessary to share information with other relevant parties.”

The hospice, which has 14 inpatient beds and cares for more than 1200 patients and families every year at home, in daycare and on the wards, received “very good” grades for participation and care records, layout and facilities.

The inspection looked at the work of senior medical staff, nursing and domestic staff as well as speaking to patients and relatives. It resulted in no requirements or recommendations for changes to hospice services.

Rhona Baillie, chief executive of The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice, said: “This latest HIS report acknowledges the gold standard of care we provide to patients and families every day in the hospice.

“Glasgow’s Hospice provides high-quality clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual care for patients who have a progressive life-threatening illness and support for those who care for them.

“What that means is person-centred and family-focused care that offers respect for patient choice, open communication at all times, comfort and peace of mind.”

The Prince & Princess of Wales Hospice is building a new home in Bellahouston Park and patients will move in spring 2018.